
Does the NDIS fund music therapy?

”Music is used to actively support people to improve their health and well-being but can you use your NDIS funding to access music therapy? In short, yes. Music therapy has been recognised by the NDIS for inclusion in plans under the support cluster of Therapeutic Supports.

In this resource we will cover:

What are Therapeutic Supports?

Therapeutic supports are defined as supports that assist the participant to gain skills and improve independence related to identified needs in areas such as:

  • language and communication,
  • personal care,
  • mobility and movement,
  • interpersonal interactions,
  • community living to support positive changes in the person’s functioning, development and well-being.

What is music therapy?

Music therapy is an established, evidence-based, research supported profession that uses musical intervention to improve the physical, cognitive, social, and/or emotional well-being of individuals. Music therapists are musicians trained at university. They study how music can affect behaviours and how people feel and think.Music affects our bodies, our minds and our feelings. It breaks down barriers of disability and builds bridges of communication, helping us to relate to each other better.  It has the power to change moods, refocus attention, elicit emotions, express feelings, improve speech, improve gross and fine motor skills as well as promote social interaction and improve quality of life. 

Who can deliver music therapy support?

It can be delivered by registered Music Therapists (who must have a post-graduate degree) and by Therapy Assistants under their supervision.

How can music therapy help you achieve your NDIS goals?

Consider these questions when deciding whether Music Therapy is appropriate:

  • Is music an important part of your life? 
  • Would you like to share your music time with other people?
  • Would you like to explore ways to express yourself more? 
  • Could playing music with other people help you feel better? 

These are areas and goals that music therapy can assist you with, and help you expand your horizons in life, increase your independence and meet new people

How can I request funding for music therapy in my NDIS plan?

If you want to include music therapy in your plan, the therapy needs to link to specific goals outlined in the person’s plan, and needs to be reasonable and necessary. Common goals that music therapy can help to achieve:

  • To give me opportunities to meet people and make friends
  • To increase my social skills
  • To help me express my feelings, control my emptions and feel happy
  • To encourage me to speak using song 
  • To maintain or improve mobility, communication and/or cognitive processing
  • To improve my social interaction with others and learn appropriate behaviour in groups.
  • Build my self esteem confidence.
  • Is music an important part of your life? 

How can I have it funded in my NDIS plan?

If you want to use your current NDIS funding for music therapy, the goals that are listed in your plan must link to this support.

  • Improved Daily Living Skills – 15_615_0128_1_3 (Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training – Music Therapist)
How much can my music therapist charge me?

To see the latest NDIS price for Exercise Physiologist – go to our NDIS Price Search tool and type in ‘Music Therapist).

If you are getting supports in your home and the therapist has to travel to you, they may also charge you for travel time & distance so make sure you discuss this withy our therapist BEFORE you start your therapy sessions

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