
How do I use my Capital Supports funding?

Your CAPITAL SUPPORTS funding is to use towards higher-cost, one-off purchases of assistive technology, equipment and home or vehicle modifications.

This is the least flexible budget as the funding must be used as identified in the plan.

What supports fall under the Capital supports budget?

The NDIA uses the reasonable & necessary criteria to determine if a support should be funded, and what would be necessary for you or your child under this category.

The are 4 categories in your CAPITAL budget. These include:

Assistive technology
Home modifications
Assistive technology maintenance, Repairs and Rental
Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA) funding

What is Assistive Technology (Category 5)

The NDIS uses the definition of Assistive Technology, as defined by the World Health Organisation: ‘any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed’.

In other words, these are items that will assist you to do tasks that you cannot do because of your disability.

In some cases you will likely need to get advice or an assessment before you buy your assistive technology, as depending on the price The NDIA may require evidence that these items are suitable for you and are not considered high risk (a risk to you and others around you).

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as ‘Assistive Technology

  • Purchase or rental of AT items such as:
  • Mobility items, for example wheelchairs, standing frames, shower commode
  • Personal care items, for example pressure mattresses, bathing and toilet equipment
  • Communication items, for example personal readers, vision equipment
  • Extra cost of adapting general items for your disability
  • Installation, training and set up of these items
  • Funding to trial high cost assistive technology if you need it
Supports the NDIA don’t fund
  • Home equipment that everyone uses, that isn’t related to your disability, like a standard kettle
  • Household furniture
  • Items for treatment or rehabilitation
  • Assessment or therapy tools used by therapists
  • Assistive technology items that another organisation is responsible to fund or provide e.g. education, housing and community infrastructure, employment system
  • Certain high risk items such as weighted blankets, bed poles
  • Items that can be easily accessed through community supports or other organisations i.e. play equipment, swimming pools, gyms

What is Home modification & SDA (Category 6)

This can only be used as outlined in your plan, and for the modifications quoted and agreed to by the NDIA to ensure your home and/or vehicle are accessible and meet your disability-related needs. Examples include: a ramp for your house, handrail installation in your bathroom, one-off purchases for your accomodation, vehicle modification

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as ‘Home modification

  • Ramps and wheelchair access
  • Modification to access around your house – i.e. ramps, bathroom, kitchen
  • Handrail installation in your bathroom,
  • One-off purchases for your accomodation
  • Vehicle modification
Supports the NDIA don’t fund
  • Changes to public spaces, like a footpath
  • Changes to public vehicles, such as buses or taxis
  • Household furniture

What is Assistive technology maintenance, repairs and rental? (Category 19)

This funding is included in your plan for repairs and maintenance for assistive technology items that you are currently using and have been approved by the NDIS.

You can discuss how much funding you will require for these repairs or the NDIS can calculate this for during your planning meeting or plan review. It is a good idea to let the NDIS know if your repairs are expensive, or if you will need them regularly so this can be included in your plan funding where appropriate.

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as ‘AT repair and maintenance, AT rental

What is Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA)? (Category 17)

This funding to tailor housing solutions for people with significant disabilities. 

SDA funding covers the cost of the physical environment, design, and technology required to accommodate their specific needs. The goal is to provide safe and accessible housing that promotes independence, social participation, and improved quality of life.

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as ‘Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA)

The eligibility for SDA funding is determined through an assessment process, and participants must meet specific criteria to qualify for this type of support. Your funding must specifically state and list that SDA supports has been included in order for you to use your NDIS funds for these supports.

Supports the NDIA don’t fund
  • Cost of accomodation, rent or utilities
  • Everyday living costs such as food, internet, rates etc.

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