
NDIS Plan vs Self management – Choosing the right NDIS funding option for you!

Deciding on how you want your NDIS funding to be managed is often overlooked, and might not even be discussed during your NDIA planning meeting, however it’s important you are aware of your options, and which is the best option for you!

When it comes to how your funding is managed, your decision can impact who pays your NDIS invoices/bills, how your budget is managed or tracked, and which types of support providers you can access supports from. You will need to let the NDIA know HOW you want your funding to be managed so they can finalise this when creating your NDIS plan.

In this resource we mostly explore self and plan managed options, including the following topics:

What are your NDIS plan management options?

There are THREE different ways that your NDIS can be managed:

  • Agency or NDIA managed: The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) manages your NDIS funds. The NDIS will pay registered providers for services on your behalf. They will also make decisions about the providers and types of services you can use, and you can only use NDIS-registered providers.
  • Plan Managed: A plan manager will manage all the admin tasks related to spending your NDIS funds. They will pay all your bills and keep the necessary records on your behalf. Providers send their invoices directly to the plan manager so there is no work for you.
  • Self Managed: You or your plan nominee manages your NDIS funds. This means that providers send their invoices directly to you for payment. You will need to claim these funds from the NDIS portal yourself and keep the necessary records in case of an audit.

In the table below we have listed some of the basic differences between each of these options:

Plan ManagedSelf ManagedNDIA Managed
Where are invoices sent?Plan ManagerYou (participant) or your authorised representative The NDIA
Who is responsible for record keeping?Plan ManagerYou (participant) or your authorised representativeThe NDIA
What providers can you use?NDIA registered & non registered providersNDIA registered & non registered providersOnly NDIA registered providers
Who ensures provider compliance?Plan ManagerYou (participant) or your authorised representativeThe NDIA

Why choose NDIS Plan Management?

Every Participant has the right to a Plan Manager. The funds for a Plan Manager do not take away from any other area of funding in your plan – Improved Life Choices OR Choice & Control. Your plan manager makes managing your NDIS funding a whole lot easier and much less stressful – if you find the right one 😉

Why choose for your funding to be plan managed?

  • Access more providers – You can use both registered and unregistered NDIS providers, which means you have more options to choose from
  • No more admin = less stress – a plan manager pays bills, keeps records and tracks your NDIS plan so you don’t have to!
  • Help understanding your plan – a good plan manager will also help guide you on how you can spend your funding
  • Budget support & tracking – a plan manager will keep track of your budget, letting you know when you are running low of funds
  • Finding Services – your plan manager may help connect you with supports in your area
  • Increased Confidence – you can improve your skills around managing your budget

Why choose NDIS Self Management?

As a self managed funding option you will receive funding from the NDIA when you submit a claim, and you need to organise and pay for support. A self-managing participant summarizes this as: “”Buy it, pay it, claim it. Or claim it, buy it, pay it. Keep the bill and receipt.“

If your NDIS plan is self-managed you will need to:

  • Need to open a seperate bank account & pay providers
  • Choose & organise your own providers
  • Keep records for 7 years for auditing & manage budget
Benefits of Self Management
  • Access more providers – you can use both NDIS registered and non-NDIS registered providers
  • No NDIS price restrictions – you are not limited by the NDIS price guide for supports, however you do need to be cautious of budgeting as funds can be exhausted quickly if providers have no limits
  • More rural support options – with access to more providers and no NDIS price restrictions this can provide for more support options in a rural setting that don’t charge exorbitant travel costs
  • Employ your own staff – this is one of the main reasons people choose to be self-managed. For more information on this CLICK HERE to read our resource:
Challenges of Self Management
  • Admin Burden – Time, effort and knowledge to uphold NDIS standards
  • Provider Control – Not restricted to price guide so providers can charge at a higher rate, which can go through your budget much more quickly
  • Record Keeping – you will need to keep 7 years of receipts/evidence incase of audit, and manage auditing process when contacted by NDIA
  • Financial & Budgeting Risk – managing funds independently can result In over/under spending if you have not received proper training or guidance on how to budget accordingly

Why choose a plan manager like Plan Hero?

Plan Hero doesn’t just pay the bills, we know the NDIS.

If you want a plan manager that has your back, and gets to know you and becomes a part of YOUR team – then our team is for you! Our first response is never no, we work with you to understand HOW you can get the most out of your funding

  • We not only know the NDIS, we understand the types of support that are needed
  • We are a small team of dedicated plan managers with years of experience both professional and personal
  • We take the time to talk to families, participants, carers and providers to help you understand how to make the most from how to make
  • You can pick up the phone and ask us a question whenever they feel like it

How to request NDIS plan management?

In 3 simple steps you change your NDIS plan to plan management. Any NDIS participant can ask to have plan management added to their NDIS Plan. This can be done:

At your initial planning meeting

During your initial NDIS planning meeting you can simply request that your NDIS plan includes plan management funding. This will NOT impact any of the other funding in your plan.

You can also submit the ‘Request for plan management’ letter to your NDIS planner or LAC before, during or after this meeting.

You will need to ‘endorse’ a plan manager and let the NDIS know WHO you would like your plan manager to be in order for them to provider plan management supports.

Do you want Plan Hero Plan managers to be your NDIS plan manager?
DOWNLOAD this letter to use for your meeting

Not sure who you want as your plan manager yet?
Download our letter here and use this for your meeting

At your NDIS plan review or reassessment

During your plan review or reassessment you can discussed LAC or NDIA planner that you wish for your new plan to be plan managed. This will NOT impact any of the other funding in your plan.

You can also submit the ‘Request for plan management’ letter to your NDIS planner or LAC before, or during this meeting.

You will need to ‘endorse’ a plan manager and let the NDIS know WHO you would like your plan manager to be in order for them to provider plan management supports.

Do you want Plan Hero Plan managers to be your NDIS plan manager?
DOWNLOAD this letter to use for your meeting

Not sure who you want as your plan manager yet?
Download our letter here and use this for your meeting

During your plan

To request a change to plan management during your plan, you simply need to get in touch with the NDIS and put in a request or light touch review:

  • Call the NDIS on 1800 800 110 or contact your LAC (listed on your plan)
  • Let them know you would like to switch to plan management and request a Light touch Plan Review
  • If approved, this change can usually take 3-4 weeks

Deciding how to manage your NDIS funding

Making this decision on your own can be very confusing, when you have hundreds of other choices to make when it comes to your NDIS funding, and understanding how to navigate the NDIS.

When making this decision it’s important to understand your needs, evaluate your abilities and ask opinions.

Start with asking yourself these questions:
  • What are your individual needs and goals?
  • What types of supports/services do you need?
  • What is your level of comfort with administrative tasks?
  • What is your level of NDIS knowledge?
Evaluate your abilities
  • What are your organisation skills like?
  • Do you have sufficient financial literacy & budgeting skills?
  • What is your current workload, and can you take on the responsibility of self managing?
Seek opinions & advice
  • Chat to your family & friends or connect with people who are already on the NDIS and ask their funds are managed, and how they find it
  • Ask the professionals – reach out to providers and ask them about their role
  • Check out our resources for more guidance

For more tips and resources around NDIS plan management – Go to our handy resource: NDIS Plan Management

How do I join the Plan Hero family?

Call our team on 1300 599 770 or CLICK HERE to complete our registration form yourself

Once you’ve completed our registration we will reach out to you within 24-48 hours to let you know what the next steps are, but keep an eye on your emails 🙂

Want to know more? To find out more about us CLICK HERE

Do you need help finding supports for your child, friend or family member?

Call MyCareSpace on 1300 28893 or use our ONLINE FORM to get help finding reliable NDIS supports

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